What is FCADP Medical Assistance ?

At FCADP, we understand the vital need for proper medical care for death row inmates. Our medical assistance program is focused on ensuring these individuals receive the healthcare they need. Here’s how we provide support:


I. Medical Needs and Care Monitoring: We actively track the medical needs of death row inmates, keeping up-to-date with changes in prison healthcare policies and practices. By leveraging our network of contacts within prison administrations, healthcare providers, and relevant organizations, we can swiftly address potential healthcare issues and advocate for inmates to receive necessary medical attention.


II. Healthcare Advocacy: We are dedicated to safeguarding and improving the healthcare rights of death row inmates. Recognizing their precarious situation, we engage in a variety of advocacy actions, including organizing petitions, running email campaigns to prison administrations, directly contacting healthcare providers, and participating in public discussions about prison healthcare policies. Our efforts aim to ensure that inmates have access to essential medical services and that their healthcare rights are upheld.


III. Direct Medical Support: We work closely with inmates and their loved ones to understand their medical needs and ensure they receive appropriate care. Our team assists inmates in advocating for necessary treatments, addressing issues of medical neglect, and navigating the prison healthcare system. We are committed to ensuring that inmates' health concerns are heard and acted upon.


Our Project:

We are focused on expanding our network of partner organizations, healthcare professionals, and legal experts in the United States. This growing network will help us more effectively advocate for comprehensive medical care for death row inmates, ensuring their health and well-being are maintained.